HR can be complex, chaotic and
challenging – we are STILL.

Jennifer & Ross McMillan

Jennifer & Ross McMillan – Directors: STILL McMillan

Ongoing workplace changes, fueled by the impact of COVID-19 and the increase to hybrid working have led to a demand for flexible access to high level expertise in people leadership – more specifically, in the field of HR, People & Culture and Leadership.

We see emerging trends for a widening gap between ‘strategy’ and ‘implementation’ around HR practices, and the over-use of technologies as ‘people solutions’ is a risk too. While embracing leading edge technologies and programs development is vital, remember that the most important thing remains true, it’s – STILL about people.


STILL combines senior level HR and People Capability for workplace deployment. Our involvement is empathetic, pragmatic and hands on – drawing from the latest thinking, technologies and approaches in the field. Our expertise at a glance…

  • We hold 25+ years in Senior People Capability and HR/P&C Leader roles
  • We understand the evolution of the workplace and people strategies
  • We’re passionate about and understand the importance of ‘community’
  • We’re networked to bring specialist expertise to the table, as needed
  • We believe that having a sense of fun in all we do is essential

By engaging STILL, you can expect a sense of calm and poise in your workplace enabling enhanced collaboration, during periods of change and adversity.

Ross & Jennifer McMillan - HR Expertise

HR Expertise

Jennifer & Ross McMillan - Service deliveryvery

SERVICE Delivery

Working from Wellington, New Zealand, Ross and Jennifer partner with businesses of all sizes to provide personalised people solutions that reflect our ethos.

  • Development and implementation of HR/People related policies, processes and programs.
  • Organisational culture and employee engagement.
  • Leadership Development, Coaching and Mentoring.
  • Helping teams collaborate and work effectively; assisting teams recognise and draw on their unique strengths and resolve conflicts.
  • Employee Care Programs – Well-being and resilience / focusing on good mental and emotional health in the workplace.
  • GLUE, our modular tailored leadership program for leaders, executive leaders and leadership teams across all levels.
  • Workplace and workshop/conference facilitator and MC.
  • Workplace and remote/hybrid working.
  • Inclusion and Diversity.
  • Employee Relations – Mediation for workplace relationships & disputes resolution / Restorative Practice.
  • People Strategy and Business Plans.
  • Workforce planning and Strategy.
  • Performance Development (previously known as performance management).
  • HR Crisis Management – planning, coaching and support.
  • Change Management.
  • Recognition and Rewards.
  • People Capability and Development.
  • Health and Safety
  • The 10 Behaviours Accredited Partner
Ross McMillan - STILL McMillan Consulting

Ross McMillan

Director – STILL McMillan

CFHRINZ Chartered Fellow HRNZGet in touch on LinkedIn

People Leadership – Stakeholder Engagement – HR –
People & Culture – Dispute Resolution – Employee Well-being
Executive Coach

Skilled at bringing people together through presence, empathy, fun and honesty to deliver a positive impact into organisations, teams and individuals.

Consistently resilient and optimistic with a high capacity for work & competing demands, while giving people a great experience at work.

A genuine, caring and empathetic person who brings people together from diverse viewpoints and helps them see areas of mutual interest – enhancing team collaboration while connecting to business vision and purpose along the way.

Highly experienced in developing and implementing well-being and mental health initiatives – bringing very pragmatic and considered approaches to challenges, including complex ER matters.

Diverse expertise includes executive leadership coaching, employment relations, restorative practices, organisational development, inclusion and diversity, strategic thinking, learning & development, remuneration & recognition.

Spare time is taken up with music, fishing and all manner of family activities which include watching football… and being a pretty handy BBQ host!

Jennifer McMillan - STILL McMillan Consulting

Jennifer McMillan

Director – STILL McMillan

Get in touch on LinkedIn

Service Delivery – Customer Experience – Accounts

Experienced in service delivery, with an accounting and administration background in a corporate environment.

Retail customer service experience – public facing delivery of service, with a genuine and caring heart for community.

Over 15 years running an inner city community playgroup, nurturing a diverse range of social and cultural groupings.

Also actively enjoys family’s sporting and musical activities, supplemented by passions for cross-stitching and gardening.


Rachel O’Connor
– Chief Executive, English Language Partners, NZ

We were incredibly lucky to secure Ross’s services for six weeks People and Culture Manager cover.  Ross brought significant experience and knowledge and I was impressed by how quickly he got the lay of the land and started making an impact. Ross has a great balance of professionalism and being down to earth. His range of skills meant he could keep the department running without disruption, manage complex issues while also adding value with his expert advice in areas we wanted to develop further. He had a great rapport with staff and very quickly built trust, we were also delighted what a great fit he was with our team, we absolutely loved having him around! He is very dedicated and was committed to going above and beyond to achieve what was needed during that time. Highly recommend and I look forward to opportunities to work together again in the future.

Mike Davy
– Former Chief Member Advocacy Officer, MAS

Having worked with Ross as a Senior Executive for nearly nine years, I can say how fortunate I am to have his counsel, coaching and support. He has a unique ability to connect with people, provide wrap-around care and bring out the best in them. He understands what it takes to develop a high-performance culture without losing the ability to care for people.

Lyndal Preston
– Principal, Change Management, Beca

Ross is a highly regarded HR professional who quickly identifies the issue at hand and works with leaders to agree the best way forward with the constraints of both policy and legislation. He has a warm and kind approach and remains calm even in the most chaotic situations. I would highly recommend having Ross working with you when you deal with scenarios requiring adaptive leadership.

David Chote
– Former Chief Sales Officer

Having sought assistance from Ross over a number of years I can confidently recommend his services. Ross has demonstrated an outstanding ability to navigate people issues with a calmness and empathy while focusing on the outcomes that drive the workforce. His very human approach to difficult situations serves to simplify the sometimes complex work environment. Working through people related work with Ross acting as a guide has not only been helpful it is a real pleasure.

Margi Luzanycia
– The Alchemist Collective

Ross is a compassionate leader who truly cares about delivering great outcomes with integrity, connection to others and with a big smile. He is blessed with great energy and resilience that is particularly useful to navigate crises and uncertainty both on a personal and organisational level. He can connect to people instantly and they trust him, which makes working with Ross a real joy. He is truly one of life’s really good people.

Rob Grindlay
– Partner, Generate

In my view, Ross and Jennifer are a highly effective team. I’ve had the privilege to work along-side them on social projects (over the past 10 years), and more recently on commercial projects. Their natural chemistry is highly enabling – they ask excellent questions – they embrace the input of others – and they’re clear in their decision-making and actions. Any workplace that values optimism and positivity, wrapped around a core of genuine skills will benefit from engaging Ross and Jennifer.

Tracey McLaughlin
– Senior HR Practitioner/Leader

Ross has extensive experience in people leadership, both through leading his own teams as well as providing expert guidance and coaching to other teams. Ross leads with empathy and compassion, and empowers people to reach their potential. Ross is resilient and has an incredible ability to successfully and seamlessly navigate teams through tough situations while also bringing about a sense of calm and order. Ross has a down to earth and practical approach, and his great sense of humour often shines through at just the right moment! He has an engaging and infectiously optimistic personality and adds a huge amount of value to any organisation he works in.

Paul Jarvis
– Major (Salvation Army)

Ross worked alongside me for four years as a volunteer as my principal advisor on HR/people matters. He showed calmness in the face of calamity and compassion in helping people through personal crisis. His insight, understanding of people, and his investigative skills were exemplary, and he brought resolution to many of the difficulties we faced. I recommend him as a skilled practitioner in the field of HR and mental health in the workplace and as an innovative enabler of problem solving.


Still >about people - Jennifer & Ross McMillan - LOGO

Good things usually start from good conversations – please get in touch.

Click to visit STILL McMillan Consulting on  LinkedIn

Phone: Ross +64 21 226 2804 | Jennifer +64 21 400 861

Email: |